

Construction Management


Sub-base is made up of smaller rocks of various sizes and particles often used to fill space or gaps which can be compacted to form a more solid surface. This product is made up of material that is easily compacted and often as a load bearing layer for any project requiring a solid foundation to help evenly spread the load of heavy vehicles or machinery. Because it is often found in use in stabilization and load bearing functions, the quality of Sub-base choses is vitally important. Choosing a material that is not of good quality can sacrifice the success and/or function of the project.




The sub-base sits below the base course layer before pavement is poured in place. This product is usually used in conjunction with concrete or asphalt pavements. Sub-base materials serve well for walking paths as well as both structural and trench backfill. Sub-base is also very commonly used to create roads. Subbase can be used in a variety of projects for both contractors and homeowners alike.

This product’s abilities make it an ideal product for the following:

  • Trench Backfill – Backfilling is simply putting soil back inside a trench or in a foundation when the excavation has been completed. For example, subbase can be used in pipe bedding over drain rock and before grade, or lawn, is placed. This is a useful way to help compact the ground and provide additional support for any weight that will be placed above.
  • Structural Backfill – Structural backfill is used to create height or additional stability to other structures. For instance, it can be used for backing behind retaining walls.
  • Shoulder Backing (3/4” CLI ASB) – is a rough rock aggregate that can be used on the outside edge of pavement to provide support and prevent edge cracking.